How Professional Services and Law Firms Can Conquer Complexity in Mergers & Acquisitions
Firms are confronting an unparalleled period of disruption. There is enormous change in the global markets they service, as well as increasing client demands on the breadth and transparency of legal services. Competition has risen exponentially through alternative legal solution providers (ALSPs). This has not only sharpened focus on service levels demanded by domestic and global clients, but also increased demand for transparency in service pricing, resulting in alternative fee arrangements (AFAs).
Add to that a myriad of challenges presented by recent world events and expected increases in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity as firms look to ensure financial stability. Firms are suddenly facing an inflection point threatening the traditional law firm business model.
Download this solution brief to learn how OneStream empowers professional services Finance teams to simplify and align processes such as:
- M&A modelling
- Planning reorganisations
- M&A integration
- Ongoing performance monitoring
Learn More in this Solution Brief: Conquering Complexity in Mergers & Acquisitions