By John O'Rourke January 17, 2017

We've already introduced you to OneStream and talked about how everything you need for CPM — financial consolidation and reporting; planning, budgeting, and forecasting; and account reconciliations — is available on one platform.
OneStream is a truly unique and innovative tool, which means it has some significant differences from the solutions you're probably familiar with. One of those differences is the OneStream MarketPlace — one reason why OneStream has been called a trendsetter by industry leaders.
What is the MarketPlace?
The MarketPlace is like an app store specifically for your finance department. As new solutions become available, they're added to the OneStream MarketPlace and available to all active customers to download for free. Customers can choose solutions that are relevant to their CPM needs. Both customers and partners can buy and sell solutions in the MarketPlace with OneStream keeping a check on the quality and consistency of every solution.
OneStream likens the download process to downloading an app on a cell phone. The MarketPlace offers CPM solutions, templates, tools, and content that you can use to optimize your platform. Examples include specialty planning solutions:

People Planning – plan your employee-related expenses, like compensation and benefits

Cash Planning – model the impact of change to all cash sources

Capex Planning – plan your capital assets and their related expenses

Thing Planning (plan on anything) – use this pre-built model for driver-based planning on anything
Below, we'll cover some of the other key downloads and features available in the OneStream MarketPlace.
Close Manager
This tool enables you to track any close task, giving you complete visibility into all changes. You'll be able to look at key close statistics, view successor and predecessor responsibility and status, and more.
Account Reconciliations
There are many account reconciliation tools out there — some in the cloud, some standalone solutions, and others part of an on-prem solution. OneStream's Account Reconciliation solution is different because you download it from the XF MarketPlace to the same platform that you use for financial consolidation and reporting as well as planning, budgeting, and forecasting.
This way, you have the benefit of maintaining all your data in one place, making your accounts easier to reconcile. The OneStream XF Account Reconciliation solution uses single-source trial balance loads to minimize risk. With a core guided workflow process, you get a comprehensive and unified look into your account reconciliation process.
Guided Reporting
The guided reporting tool allows you to mix and match rows with columns and other key parameter selections. You're able to create views for infinite reporting combinations that are easily consumable on the XF platform.
Video Training
The XF MarketPlace is an environment where users can come together to share their knowledge and solutions. Video training offers context-sensitive videos, delivered to you while you work and exactly when you need to see it. This interactive solution can walk you through processes that you're not currently familiar with.
Pre-built Cash Flow Dimensions
Pre-built cash flow dimensions with validated formulas allow you to start with a working cash flow model that you can adjust to meet your individualized cash flow reporting requirements.
User Help Desk
Each solution you download through the MarketPlace comes with complete documentation and instructions. In addition, you get access to the help desk, which allows end users to directly ask OneStream administrators for help as they work and interact with the OneStream platform.
The Best of Both Worlds: Innovation + Quality
At this point, you're probably wondering how the OneStream MarketPlace taps into the 'wisdom of the crowd' while ensuring quality software development. Learn how OneStream is able to maintain software quality without diminishing creativity.
- Terry Ledet
Terry Ledet is a seasoned financial systems professional, at US-Analytics, with expertise in developing complex financial reporting, accounting, and planning applications. With 18+ years of experience in project and resource management, Terry possesses the ability to identify and translate a client's needs into an actionable technical solution.