Application Control Manager

Embrace Change

Embrace Change

Save time and reduce risks by systematically and efficiently managing change within OneStream. Create a Finance-owned and managed process.

Reduce Risk

Reduce Risk

Leverage pre-built global drivers for salary, benefits and payroll taxes by title, geography, and salary band for real-time, dynamic planning.

Increase Collaboration

Increase Collaboration

Ensure control and governance over application change requests. Provide a start to finish audit trail and controls framework.

Satisfied Customers

Capital One

Delivering 100% Customer Success

“The OneStream platform is now core to McCain Foods Limited – uniting consolidation, planning, tax and analysis teams. OneStream Services’ strong leadership and technical knowledge was instrumental in our successful implementation. Their ability to actively listen to our goals and objectives and interpret during the design phase allowed us to create a system not only to satisfy our immediate needs, but to address our future needs.”

Richard N. Burton

McCain Foods

  • Metadata Governance and Management

    Provides an easy way for end-users to request changes to OneStream applications such as new or updated accounts, cost centers, and changes to other dimensions.

    • Routes requests through necessary workflow steps including enrichment and approvals.
    • Logs and tracks workflow progress, individual changes, and approvals for each step.
    • Upon final approval, commits the approved metadata changes directly into your OneStream application, with notifications and a clear start-to-finish audit trail.
    Woman in a black shirt working closely with a friend
  • Security Access Requests

    Initiate requests for end user security access changes and route the security request through necessary workflow steps, including enrichment and approvals.

    • Security change requests can include options to mirror access of another end user as well as contain required and optional security property information.
    • Upon final approval, commits the approved user security access changes directly into OneStream.
    • Provides notifications and a clear start-to-finish audit trail.
    Portrait shot of four people collaborating closely on a laptop
  • Automated Metadata Integration

    Metadata workflow processes can be fully automated by integrating master data from source systems or Master Data Management (MDM) solutions and committing it to OneStream.

    • Determines the differences between source master data and the metadata that currently exists in OneStream and creates a clear audit trail of the unique differences.
    • The unique differences are automatically added to a change request and routed through the workflow steps.
    • Provides an automated yet traceable process to keep OneStream metadata synchronized with your source master data.
    Man and woman collaborating on a tablet in an office with indoor plants

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