
Announcing the ALL-NEW OnePoints Program for Certification Extension!

We are pleased to announce the all-new OneStream Certification OnePoints program for certification renewals and extensions!

What is it?

You already know that you need to renew your certification every 2 years. Now you can earn that extension for OneStream sponsored activities that you are already participating in. The new OnePoints program allows you to earn points for activities like OneStream training, Tech Talks, and technical webinars among many others. A single OnePoint is roughly equal to one hour of activity. Once you accumulate enough points you can submit evidence of those points to extend your certification.

Who is it for?

The OnePoints Program is applicable to anyone that holds an active OneStream certification.

OneStream Certified individuals now have a choice when it comes to certification renewals and extensions to demonstrate their technical knowledge and continued learning through various courses and activities that are meaningful to them. Certified professionals still have the option to sit for a newer version of an exam to validate the most up-to-date skills.

Why did we create this?

After receiving feedback from our certified community, OneStream Certification determined that the prior re-certification and extension process that specified a single course was too prescriptive, and a one-size fits all approach was unscalable. The OnePoints Program is specifically designed to be easily adaptable and enhanced over time as OneStream’s offerings evolve and the OneStream Certified community continues to grow.

How do I participate?

The beauty of the OnePoints Program is that you are already participating!

Begin accumulating and tracking your certificates and confirmation emails so that you can submit them with your request for extension. Extension requests should be made at least 30 days prior to your current expiration date in CertMetrics.

Not sure where to find your current expiration date? Navigate to the OneStream Portal and click on CertMetrics. Then, navigate to the “Certifications” menu on the left and click on “Status.” The page will refresh to display any current certifications and dates.

The OnePoints program launched on January 9, 2024. Retroactive submissions are allowed, which means you can submit evidence of approved activities completed as far back as 24 months.

How does it work?

  • A single (1) OnePoint is roughly equal to one (1) hour of activity.
  • Earn forty (40) OnePoints to renew or extend any OneStream Certification
  • Points can be accrued over a 24-month period

Certified individuals will accrue OnePoints and track their own balances and evidence (certificate, confirmation email, etc.) over 24-months. Points are based on participation in instructor-led courses and select OneStream sponsored activities (i.e., Splash Workshops, WAVE, facilitating a technical webinar, OneStream Press author, and more!).

Once the required number of OnePoints is achieved, you will:

  • Submit a case in the ServiceNow portal
  • Select “Credentialing”
  • Provide evidence documenting the 40 OnePoints you have earned (can be course completion certificate, CPE certificate, dates, and times of webinars, etc.
  • The Certification Team will validate the evidence and extend your Certification expiration date by an additional 24-months in CertMetrics
  • This also updates your OneStream Certified digital credential.
  • This also updates your digital credential at Credly.
  • Please only submit evidence when you have completed 40 OnePoints. We are unable to accept and track incomplete submissions.

What types of activities count for OnePoints?

OnePoints-Eligible Education Activities

*OnePoints earned over 24 months during the active certification period are estimated and based on the duration of the activity.



OnePoints-Eligible Contribution Activities

*OnePoints earned over 24 months during the active certification period are estimated and based on the duration of the activity.



Renewal Points Needed

The number of OnePoints needed to renew a certification will be uniform across all exams.

If a candidate renews a higher-level certification, then any lower-level certifications, if possessed, will also be renewed.

For example: If a candidate earns enough OnePoints to extend their OCP – Lead Architect certification (level 2) and they also possess the OCA in Administration (level 1) certification, then both with be extended.


For additional questions, please consult the OnePoints FAQ document.


If your question isn’t addressed, contact the Certification Team by submitting a ServiceNow ticket to Credentialing.

OneStream Press

Learn about working with OneStream to encourage and support the development of accurate technical textbooks, and also the potential of getting a book off the ground.

OneStream Press